Our History
ThePrairie Rose Chorus began in the fall of 1993 as a prospective Sweet Adelines Chorus. It consisted of 15 women who met once a week to sing four part harmony, barbershop style. The Prairie Rose Chorus , under the direction of Robyn Nadvornik, made their public debut with the Badlanders (a men's barbershop chorus), continuing to sing and increase their public appearances.
On May 21, 2002 Prairie Rose Chorus realized their dream of Chaptering as a Sweet Adelines International Chorus. During this time the chorus was under the direction of Terry Trzynka. The chorus attended the Region 6 Sweet Adelines convention and competed for the first time.
To date we have attended six regional competitions, and our membership roll ranges from 17 to 20. We continue to sing for various local events and put on a yearly show. The "Christmas Sing" is our "give-back" to our families and community.